Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mel Gibson and Jimmy Carters' Christian perspective to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute are, more likely than not, accurate.

As a disenfranchised American Jew, I have experienced first hand the desire of a "minority of American Jews" who "quietly lay back in 'peace'" while others have been authorized to confiscate and colonize choice real estate sites that I have tried to homestead in the United States. By forceful suppression, my objections go unanswered by claiming I'm "crazy" which has continually left me displaced.

International laws and the ultimate goals of the Roadmap for Peace will never be accepted by Israel because Israel has no concept of peace. The Israel in America is very blithe about the murder of its citizens through the deprivation of their rights and I have a list to prove it to you. (Evidence starts at

The only agenda of Jews are to deprive other vulnerable people their rights to property and a decent citizenship for their own motivation.

The American people would see it as Carter and Gibson see it if the nefarious influence members of Congress exposed governmental entities in America. But they don't. Instead, they allow chaotic, corrupt terrorist-supporting Federal judges, for an excuse, to work governmental entities in America.

If America had better lobbyists to flock to see first hand the methods of madness the American Jews use to treat their own, then maybe they wouldn't be so cynical when Palestinian terrorists blow people to bits in Israel. In particular, they can start with their hands, so that they will never take what does not belong to them.

Does Carter keep track of which schools have lots of Jews? Maybe not, but American Jews certainly know how to keep one from attending them.

What the Americans desperately need is a decent government that is genuinely committed to pursuing peace with its own citizens while letting God purge the "nefarious influence" of the Nephlim bloodlines in Israel.

Complaints were heard almost 2,000 years earlier how Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She was forced to suffer indignities so that the Jews could extol their own motives and agenda. By excusing the current degraded state of my own situation only goes to show that American Jews or any other, will always perpetuate human suffering. Israel trashes its own reputation, it's just a matter of time before everyone recognizes it.

"I'm a big Dufus and I don't know what to do. " Tang...Tang...Tang...Tang-A-Lang...Tang-A-Lang...Tang-A-Lang.

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